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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

A Sea of Red...

This normally won't be my platform for political posts, but I felt compelled to address the red equals sign that I and many, many other people posted on our Facebook walls yesterday and added to our profile pics. I also wanted to share why I support marriage equality. 

Did your Facebook feature a sea of red equal signs yesterday? Did you ask someone what it meant? If you posted one, did you inform anyone about its meaning?

I had so many friends say they weren't doing it because it was a "hipster" thing to do or that it wouldn't make a difference in the long run, because the Supreme Court wasn't checking their newsfeed before handing down a decision. 

The thing about the sea of red is that it's not about forcing the SCOTUS to decide one way or another, it's about awareness and support. 

Nearly all of my staff had no idea what was happening in Washington yesterday. I wore red and told them why I was wearing red. Which may or may not have been appropriate. My Facebook includes everyone from my 13 year old second cousin to my 65 year old uncle and everyone in between.  If I informed one person about why discrimination sucks and why marriage equality is a human right yesterday, then the sea of red did something good. I may not have changed the outcome of the case, but I informed, enlightened and perhaps changed some hearts and minds along the way. Also, if I made one of my gay friends feel like they had one more ally in the world, I feel accomplished.

As a straight, married woman, why do I feel so strongly about marriage equality? 

First and foremost, even if I didn't know and love many gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people, I would push for marriage equality. Why? Because not allowing same sex couples to marry and to benefit from the rights and privileges available only to married people is discrimination. 

Discrimination is wrong. Period. 

And in the United States, state-sponsored discrimination is unconstitutional. According to the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution, "no state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws." Not allowing same sex couples to marry does this big time. If I don't stand up for all people facing discrimination, it's like saying discrimination is okay. 

But seriously, I would feel this way even if I didn't know any gay people.  When Republican Senator Rob Portman (Ohio) announced that he has a gay son and could no longer justify his opposition to same-sex marriage, I was glad that he went public, but at the same time, it made me mad. Why? Because I think people, in general, and especially those in positions of power and who represent diverse constituencies, should support what's right even when it doesn't impact them personally.  Actually, let me go one step further and state that in places where citizens elect leaders to represent them, those leaders should support what's right especially when it doesn't impact them personally.  

The fact is, I do know and love many gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people. They are wonderful people, human beings, who love and deserve the right to marry the people they love, form families, not have to fight every day for rights and acknowledgement that I take for granted as a married straight woman - the right to add their partner to health insurance, to have both partners legally recognized as parents to their children, to file taxes jointly, to make medical/end of life decisions, etc...and so many more. 

Allowing gay people to marry not only doesn't hurt anyone, I believe it is good for our society. Marriage is not right for everyone. But it does symbolize commitment and strength in a relationship. Allowing same sex couples to marry will ensure that more loving families are formed and that can only be good for our society. 

This is not about religion...this is about ethics, what's right, equality, fairness.

There are so many people who have no idea what's going on in this country (or their community or the world...but that is a topic for another day). If only we could have a different color for every day and inform people about poverty, women's rights, rape, hunger, the environment, world conflict, globalism, etc...   

Please feel free to share this post with anyone who gives you a hard time for sporting a red equal sign or supporting marriage equality. Maybe together we can raise more awareness.

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